10 September 2007

It Should Surprise No one that We Have a Claim of Torture Here

Mohammed al-Qahtani, the alleged "20th Hijacker" claims that his admissions were coerced.

He has recanted his confession, and claimed beatings and other torture.

You know the normal stuff for people detained by US forces:
....included being beaten, restrained for long periods in uncomfortable positions, threatened with dogs, exposed to loud music and freezing temperatures and stripped nude in front of female personnel.....
When did the US become a nation of sadistic torturers anyway?

BTW, this treatment is largely confirmed:
The investigation led by Air Force Lt. Gen. Randall M. Schmidt confirmed, among other things, that al-Qahtani was forced to wear women's underwear, was threatened with dogs, and kept in solitary confinement for 160 days. At one point, he was interrogated for 18-20 hours per day on 48 of 54 days.

Schmidt concluded, however, that while the treatment was abusive it was within policy and not torture because he was not denied food, water or medical care, and interrogators did not inflict physical pain on him.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Randall M. Schmidt should spend the next 5-10 years under the confinement of the UN court in the Hague. Those who actually authorized this should be placed in a hole so deep that they never Ever see sunlight again.

"We don't torture", my ass. Osama bin Laden has defeated us, and these pukes running Guantanamo and other US Gulags don't even know that they are his most effective operatives.


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