17 September 2007

Greatest Prankster in Ohio Granted Repreive

Remember when I wrote about Kyle Garchar? He convinced the audience on the rival side of the stadium to spell "We Suck" in the 3rd quarter of a football game.

Originally, the principal, who I still think is a humorless jerk, banned him from all extracurricular activities, but he has seen the error of his ways, and
granted Garchar a reprieve.
Davidson administrator Cindi Goldhaber said two factors weighed into the decision: Garchar represented the school well by not complaining while in the media spotlight, and he made an effort (albeit an unsuccessful one) to have students hold up a "Go Cats" message using cards at Friday's game.
The story given by Ms. Goldhaber is, of course, complete bull s&%$. Without the worldwide support of people who appreciate Mr. Garchar's intellect, initiative, and sense of humor, he'd still be under this, but the administration was forced to do the right thing.


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