Bruce Bartlett's basic points:
- This idea originally sprung from the head of Scientology, because of their clashes with the IRS¹.
- It assumes growth rates in the US economy that appear to come from the planet Skaro.
- They use very bad math to misquote the percentage of tax².
- It has the federal government paying the tax to artificially inflate revenues.
- It applies the tax to everything, including education and health care.
- It creates a de facto national welfare program.³
- It understates the rate needed to balance the budget.
¹Basically they claim that a 30% tax is a 23% tax by figuring it backward. If you take $1.00 and add 30%, you have $1.30, but $0.30 is only 23% of 1.30.
²The required tax rate for this to replace revenues 57%, it goes up to 64% if it exempts things like food, education, and health care, and 89% if there are problems with evasion.
³It creates a transfer payment system in which people get money back on a weekly basis depending on wages.
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