11 June 2007

When it Comes to Covering Bush's Ass, CBN University is NOT Sufficient

Snark of the day from Tom Schaller.

By way of background, Regent University, Monica Goodling's alma mater, was founded by Pat Robertson as CBN (Christian Broadcast Network) University, and while its graduates seem to be good enough to run the DoJ and fire US Attorneys, it's not good enough to cover GWB's alcoholic ass.

TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect

SO HELP ME IVY. The Post reports that President Bush is beefing up his besieged White House legal team with some crack lawyers to defend the administration against a variety of congressional inquiries. As the Post's Peter Baker notes, all eight [of the newly-hired attorneys] received degrees from Ivy League schools or from West Point.

So, when it comes to policy-making over at the so-called Justice Department, a Regent University law degree, like the one held by Monica 'I may have crossed the line' Goodling and a battalion of other fundies, suffices. But when it comes to protecting the president's backside, apparently a divine legal degree is no substitute for an East Coast elite Ivy School pedigree.

--Tom Schaller


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