13 June 2007

Tom Shales - Dan Rather Takes On Network News With His Tart Remark - washingtonpost.com

Never been a great fan of Rather, but I've always respected him as a journalist.

He said the truth, and that's why people are squealing like the pigs they are.
Tom Shales - Dan Rather Takes On Network News With His Tart Remark
By Tom Shales
Wednesday, June 13, 2007; Page C01

'It may not have been the wisest thing I've done this week,' Dan Rather joked yesterday by phone from his office in New York.

Wise or not, the former CBS anchor's comments about the network's evening newscast have created a firestorm -- the kind that is probably good for the TV news business."

Rather sparked the controversy during a radio appearance Monday morning when he said CBS executives have attempted over the past year to lure viewers to the "CBS Evening News" -- which has plummeted in the ratings -- by "dumbing it down and tarting it up." He said they have tried to graft the " 'Today' show ethos" onto the program, which just happens now to be anchored by former "Today" star Katie Couric.



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