13 June 2007

Speed bump: USAF sets modest goals for new bomber-12/06/2007-Washington DC-Flight International

Really and truly, if we look at how bombers used, it makes sense to keep the BUFF (B-52) in service for another 50 years.

Speed bump: USAF sets modest goals for new bomber

By Graham Warwick

The USAF wants a new bomber by 2018, but says available technology will limit it to subsonic and manned. Is it aiming too low?

After studying options ranging from unmanned aircraft to hypersonic weapons, the US Air Force has decided its next-generation bomber will be subsonic and manned. Given the budget and time­scale pressures it is not a surprising decision, but the USAF still faces financial and technical challenges if it is to field a new long-range strike aircraft by 2018.

By setting relatively modest requirements, the USAF appears to want to minimise the risk and cost to maximise the chances its next bomber will be delivered on time, within budget and in sufficient numbers. The service wants to avoid repeating its experience with the Northrop Grumman B-2 stealth bomber, cut from 135 aircraft to 21 as requirements changed.



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