15 June 2007

More Bush Law Breaking

I miss Richard Nixon.

I can't believe I said that, but I miss Nixon's competence and relative honesty.

I can't believe I just said that.

Stop the world, I want to get off.

Dem Claims Meddling in Waiver Request

The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 12, 2007; 9:04 PM

WASHINGTON -- The Transportation Department acknowledged Tuesday encouraging members of Congress to weigh in with the EPA on California's request to implement global warming controls on automakers.

California officials criticized the intervention by one executive branch agency with another as improper and possibly illegal, but a Transportation Department attorney said it wasn't.

The Environmental Protection Agency is accepting comments through Friday on whether to grant California a waiver to put in place a state law that would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent from cars and 18 percent from sport utility vehicles beginning in 2009.


Waxman wrote that the call "raises serious concerns" as an improper or possibly illegal use of federal resources, and at the very least "suggests the presence of an improper hidden agenda." He asked for records of any other contacts and said he wanted to depose Shahmoradi.

California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez called the Transportation Department's intervention "a whispering campaign by administration officials to try and derail one of the most important tools out there to fight global warming."

The EPA has not indicated when, or if, it will grant the waiver.


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