10 December 2007

So Now the Obama Campaign is Going After Krugman

I have to agree with Ezra Klein when he says, Something's really gone off the rails when the Obama campaign decides to release an oppo document on Paul Krugman. (Obama doc here)

Considering that Krugman is arguably the most prominent liberal pundit in America, this is surprising. What is not surprising is that, much like he does with social security, he goes out of his way to use Republican talking points to defend his ideas and attakc other's.

Thirdestae has a good analysis, he believes that Obama is, "attempting to appease/manipulate the class of establishment pundits, and with them the press corps as a whole".

I agree that this is part of his strategy, but it's also a symptom of a problem, specifically that he wants to please people too much.


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