02 April 2018

Snark of the Day Conundrum

It being a slow news day, the Washington Post posted an article from Carey Purcell, who is miffed that the two Jewish men she dated refused to recognize her in all her WASPy glory.

In the last line, she refers to  creating a cocktail called, "A Jewish Man’s Rebellion, which has a bourbon base and a bacon garnish.

Well, there were two responses that were noteworthy, one a tweet from Spencer Ackerman that is the might be even more epic than his comment at an editorial meeting of the New Republic, where he offered to, "Skullf%$# the corpse of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi to establish his anti-terrorist bona fides."

It is a work of beauty and elegance under Twitter's 140 280 character limit.

On the other hand, the Forward goes for the long form, "How Come Jewish Men Keep Breaking Up With Me?, which (obviously) goes into more detail (4347 characters), and makes what I assume to be devastating allusions to the TV show Sex and the City.

I assume that Twitter is rather a rather unaccommodating climate for Ms. Purcell right now, but please remember to take the time to heap opprobrium on the editor who selected this for publication as well.

Remember the tools for such things are irony, sarcasm, and mockery, not obscene epithets or threats of violence.

It's like shooting fish in a barrel, don't f%$# it up and make them martyrs.


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