05 November 2009

Healthcare Update

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AARP Executive VP Nancy LeaMond and House Leaders
Well, today both the AMA and the AARP endorsed healthcare reform, which, I think makes the possibility of passage significantly greater.

Note that some of the constituencies in the AMA, most notably, the "American Assn. of Neurological Surgeons, the American Society of General Surgeons and the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery," came out against this, but note that these are people who make their money when preventative care fails.

Notwithstanding Harry "No Balls" Reid's statement that there may not be a bill this year, the House of Representatives is moving forward full throttle, with a vote scheduled for this Saturday.

Steve Benin also notices that the Republican opposition to the bill might not be as unified as it was for the stimulus package:
Republicans will overwhelmingly reject the Democrats' healthcare reform measure when it is reaches the House floor, according to a key lawmaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), who serves as deputy GOP whip, told The Hill that the number of Republicans supporting the sweeping legislation will be "very, very close to zero.
Mr. Benin, much like I did, "assumed it was a foregone conclusion that every House Republican would vote against reform, just as every House Republican voted against the economic recovery package and against this year's budget plan," while this quote implies that there might be 1 or 2, or perhaps even a few more votes for the bill.

I think that this situation can be explained in 4 words, Anh "Joseph" Quang Cao, the Republican who defeated incumbent William "Dollar Bill" Jefferson in an overwhelmingly Republican district, because Jefferson was under indictment for corruption.

He knows that no matter how much support Republicans throw his way, and they won't throw much, he's a goner unless he actually considers his district's needs.

Even in Louisiana, he cannot count on his opposition facing corruption charges for every election.


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