10 September 2009

Vote Fraud Discovered in Afghanistan

I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on here!

Shaded Regions Indicate Fraud
It appears that the level of vote fraud is so bad that even the Afghan Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC), a group of Karzai toadies, has admitted to widespread vote fraud:
There was "clear and convincing evidence of fraud" in Paktika, Kandahar and Ghazni, areas that largely backed President Hamid Karzai, it said.

Earlier this week results from 600 stations where there were suspected irregularities were "quarantined".


The ECC said in a statement that its investigations in Ghazni found "a number of indicators of fraud".

Those included unfolded ballots, votes for candidates inserted inside bundles for other candidates, miscounted ballots, missing material, uniformity of markings, seal numbers which did not match numbers on the record of seals and lists of voters with numerous fictitious card numbers, the statement said.
All from Karzai strongholds. (Bottom pic, darker regions)

What a surprise.


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