06 September 2008

Turkey to Buy Russian SAMs

It appears ht they will be plunking down about $100 million for, " SA 10 Grumble, SA-12b Giant and SA-15 Gauntlet missiles from Belarus and Ukraine, so that they can practice counter measures against the Russian double digit SAMs.

This is separate from the $4 billion bid they have out for long range SAMs for use by the military in operations, which has the US Patriot competing with the Chinese HQ-9, Israeli Arrow, and Russian S-400.

I love this quote from the article:
The United States has raised concerns that if NATO-member Turkey were to purchase Russian missiles it would create an inter-operability problem with NATO.
Because, I guess, US operators using Patriot missiles are more than capable of shooting down an RAF Tornado during the invasion of Iraq.

While all militaries support their national defense industries, the degree to which the US does is particularly whorish.


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