07 March 2023

Adventures in Crappy Management

I am referring, of course, to Elon Musk where we are having a serious of failures.

First, or always that yesterday's outage happened because there was literally only one employee doing all the work completely rewriting the API to force 3rd party developers to pay.  (As Anna Russel would say, "I'm not making this up, you know.")

As to how much of this is from sort staffing, and how much this comes from Musk's directing people at every shiny object he sees like some sort of hyperactive squirrel on cocaine, is left is an exercise for my reader (s).

Rather more significant is something revealed far down on a BBC story about how Musk's mendacious malfeasance has led to an explosion of harassment and threats on the site, we find this little factoid, which shows that Elon doesn't just hate his employees, he is terrified of them:

The level of disarray, in his view, is because Mr Musk doesn't trust Twitter employees. He describes him bringing in engineers from his other company - electric car manufacturer Tesla - and asking them to evaluate engineers' code over just a few days before deciding who to sack. Code like that would take "months" to understand, he tells me.

He believes this lack of trust is betrayed by the level of security Mr Musk surrounds himself with.

Wherever he goes in the office, there are at least two bodyguards - very bulky, tall, Hollywood movie-[style] bodyguards. Even when [he goes] to the restroom," he tells me.

So the little snowflake built Musk is scared the possibility that one of his employees might act to him like he acts to them.

What a pathetic little man.


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