12 March 2022

Could Someone Explain to Me Something?

17 pounds of feline awesome

We have a cat, Destructo, a long hair gray and white cat.

He was the runt of the litter, and not tops the scales at 17 pounds, (probably part Maine Coon) and like all cats, he has is own personal peculiarities, things like chewing on power cables.

One of his peculiarities is that he is not a lap cat.  He simply has no interest in sitting on laps, a fact that he will on occasion demonstrate with either pitiful mewing, or teeth and claws.

This is not particularly unusual.  In my personal experience, at least ⅔ of cats don't want to sit on your lap, at least most of the time.

What is odd though, is that if I am lying in bed, he enthusiastically sits on my thighs,

So, lap sitting up: BAD; lap lying down: GOOD.

I understand that our cats, while members of our family, are very different from mere humans, and I further understand that trying to understand them is often a path to madness, but I would like to know why this cat does this.


The Red Alias said...

Cats want to be on top, to observe their surroundings for food/danger.

When you are seated, half their view is blocked by you and your damn chair. This is a bad thing.

Makes them anxious. "Who is sneaking up on me?" "What tasty wildlife is hiding behind my great idiot of a helper monkey?"

This drives them mad, naturally, being both predator and prey animals.

But when you lay flat, your kitty can see 360°, and the fight/flight prospects are easily seen. This lets kitty relax, and not resent you for being a big, clueless opaque obstacle to serenity.

Plus, you are less likely to get up from laying down than you are from merely sitting. So kitty has more snooze time on a flat person than one who is seated.

Finally, kitties emit powerful "Sleep Rays", which work better on flat people than seated ones.

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