14 June 2007

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

I was going shopping tonite. My wife, my son Charlie, my daughter Natalie, and I were all in the store together.

The kids were a little bit hyper, and this was being magnified as it bounced back and forth between them, like an echo chamber.

Natalie's birthday is coming up, and so we were getting cupcakes for a little party in her class.

Our already hyper 9 year old ran, grabbed the cupcakes, and put them in the shopping cart.

Then she grabbed the cupcakes, and ran back and put them back, to see if she could find something better.

She eventually ended up back at the cart, empty handed.

When reminded that we needed something for her party, she headed off at a sprint, back to the cupcakes.

I turned to my wife, and said, she reminds me of a hummingbird on crystal meth.

Sometimes, kids are exhausting.


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