12 July 2024

Gay Furry Hackers

We owe Gay Furry Hackers a debt of gratitude after they hacked the Heritage Foundation and revealed the internal discussions behind the now infamous Project 2025.

It ain't pretty stuff.  It's ugly people with ugly minds and ugly souls trying to make the world confirm to their own ugliness:

After claiming to break into a database belonging to The Heritage Foundation, and then leaking 2GB of files belonging to the ultra-conservative think tank, the hacktivist crew SiegedSec says it has disbanded.

According to a message on the group's Telegram channel, they had already planned to exit the scene this week. That missive continues:
Given the circumstances i believe its best we do so now. for our own mental health, the stress of mass publicity, and to avoid the eye of the FBI.

I've been considering quitting cybercrime lately, and the other members have agreed its time to let SiegedSec rest for good.

And while disavowing a life of crime, SiegedSec will remain "hackers and always fighting for the rights of others." 


The feud began on July 9 after SiegedSec said it obtained usernames, passwords, logs and "other juicy info" belonging to the Heritage Foundation, and then leaked that private data online in response to the org producing and promoting Project 2025. The information dump has now been taken offline.

Project 2025 is a lengthy and fairly detailed blueprint that outlines how a future conservative president – such as, say, Donald Trump should he win the election again – could overhaul the federal government and public policy to enact a far-Right agenda and give huge powers to the executive branch. Trump has claimed he knows "nothing" about it all though there clear links between Project 2025's advisory board, Team Trump, and the Republican National Committee.

The Christo-fascist wishlist includes, among many, many, many things, rolling back environmental protection rules [PDF], eliminating energy efficacy standards and programs, and ending the US government's "focus on climate change and green subsidies" [PDF]. It also includes eliminating [PDF] the US Department of Education. 


In a July 9 post on its Telegram channel, the cat-fanatics-slash-hacktivists noted: "Project 2025 threatens the rights of abortion healthcare and LGBTQ+ communities in particular. so of course, we won't stand for that! ^-^"

Here is hoping that Biden will use the new immunity given him by the supreme court to roll up a paddy wagon and send the Heritage Foundation rat-bastards to a very dark hole.

Full disclosure:  A friend of mine worked for the Heritage Foundation, but was fired for getting cancer, so it's a personal grudge for me.


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