10 February 2019

Sex, Lies, and Text Messages

Best Twitter Take on All of This
It now appears that Jeff Bezos’ Girlfriend's brother leaked his texts to the National Enquirer.

This is not a surprise. He has frequently been described as an, "Acquaintance of provocative Trump backers Roger Stone and Carter Page."

It appears that, in the world of the radical right at least, politics trumps filial obligations.
The brother of Jeff Bezos’ mistress, Lauren Sanchez, supplied the couple’s racy texts to the National Enquirer, multiple sources inside AMI, the tabloid’s parent company, told The Daily Beast.

Another source who has been in extensive communication with senior leaders at AMI confirmed that Michael Sanchez first supplied Bezos’ texts to the Enquirer.


AMI has previously refused to identify the source of the texts, but a lawyer for the company strongly hinted at Sanchez’s role during a Sunday morning interview on ABC.

“The story was given to the National Enquirer by a reliable source that had given information to the National Enquirer for seven years prior to this story. It was a source that was well known to both Mr. Bezos and Ms. Sanchez,” attorney Elkan Abramowitz told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.
If only there is some way for both Bezos and Trump to lose.


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