07 April 2010

Signs of the Apocalypse, Tom Coburn Edition

Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!
Wherein the raving nut job from the Sooner State says thatNancy Pelosi is a nice woman and that you should not believe everything htat you hear on Fox news:
"The intention is not to put anybody in jail," Coburn said. "That makes for good TV news on Fox, but that isn't the intention."

Later, when his audience started to boo at the mention of Pelosi, Coburn stopped them.

"Come on now... how many of you all have met her? She's a nice person," Coburn said. "Just because somebody disagrees with you, doesn't mean they're not a good person."

"Don't catch yourself being biased by Fox News that somebody's no good," Coburn added.

Coburn urged audience members to widen their points of view by reading and watching different media outlets, not just the ones they agree with.
(emphasis mine)

This from a man who says that abortion doctors should face the death penalty, and that he, in the course of his duties as an OB/GYN, has performed abortions, so maybe he can hold these rather disparate thoughts in his head because if he is batsh%$ insane.


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