12 February 2010

Reid to Baucus, Drop Dead

So, the Senate is working on a jobs program, and Max Baucus (DINO-MT), in a reprise of his disastrous negotiations with Republicans on healthcare, cuts a deal with Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So, it includes all the goodies that the 'Phants demand, mostly big tax cuts or extensions of tax cuts, about $31 billion, as well as a cut in the estate tax, which is currently 0%, but goes back up to its pre-Bush levels in 2011 (see Throw Mama from the Train).

Well, some Senate Democrats had a word with Harry Reid, and it appears that they made it clear that their support is by no means assured, and minority leader Mitch McConnell was unwilling to offer support, or even to support cloture, so Reid pulled out all of the tax cut goodies for Republicans. (also here)

Good for him.

Unless you get 5 Republicans swearing on a bible on video tape that they will vote for cloture, don't give them anything, ever.

I'd also say, if Baucus wants a bill to go through his committee, you should say what Marcel Marceau said, "No."


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