12 February 2010

Economics Update (a Day Late)

Well, yesterday was, as Atrios says, jobless Thursday, and unemployment claims fell more than forecast, falling to just 440,000, which is still not enough for an increase in non-farm employment.

The White House is predicting about 95,000 new jobs a month being created in 2010, but based on some quick numbers, a 1.1% annual labor force growth times 155,200,000 people in the US labor force divided by 12 months, there need to be about 142,000 jobs created each month just to accommodate natural growth, so things aren't getting better, they are just getting worse more slowly.

On the other hand, the news out of California, that tax receipts are well in excess of predictions, is legitimately good news.

Finally, in a discovery of the blatantly obvious, a the TARP's Congressional Oversight Panel has determined that commercial real estate is imploding, and this threatens the viability of many small and mid sized bank. …………Hoocoodanode?


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