05 February 2010

New Mayor in Baltimore

Sheila Dixon's resignation as Mayor of Baltimore became effective yesterday, and she was sentenced to probation by the judge, while she was replaced by City Council President Stephanie Rawlings-Blake as mayor.

As to my take on this: Dixon appeared to be an effective mayor, but she was always small scale corrupt, it seemed that every 2-3 years, you had her getting caught putting relatives on the payroll or steering work to firms that employed her friends and relatives.

As to Ms. Rawlings-Blake, she has always seemed kind of a non-entity, somebody who is where she was because her father, the late Howard "Pete" Rawlings, was a major power in Maryland politics.

Well, seeing as how we have what could be one of the largest blizzards on record for the area rolling in on us, she gets a baptism by fire.


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