08 February 2010

If Eliot Spitzer Is Our Savior, We Are Screwed

But it appears to me that he's the only figure out there who gets what is wrong with the system (30:54):

No one else describe the problems so simply and completely, and it's clear that there is no one else in the public policy sphere gets is willing or able to see this.

Unfortunately, he'll always be the guy who paid a hooker, so he's too toxic to ever hold public office ever again.


allcurls said...

I would vote for him for Senate in a NY minute. At least he only screws prostitutes, not his constiuency!

Elf said...

Hi Matthew,

That's because, unlike the Monica L. affair, he actually paid for services rendered.


Old Pinko said...

He could run. However, with a hooker in his past, he'd have to run as a Republican.

Sortition said...

Good point. Definitely worth a shot.

Of course, in a better system we could be our own saviors.

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