06 May 2009

There is a Context in Georgia

But I am not sure what it is, so the report of a tank battalion mutinies in Georgia is concerning, but I do not know what it means.

I still believe that the Russians have thoroughly penetrated the Georgian state security apparatus, so I don't see this as being part of a Russian backed coup. It would have been more extensive and better organized if it had.

It is likely, however, that the Russians were aware of what was going on before the Georgians, and certainly they view the events with no small amount of schadenfreude, but I think that whatever happened here had a lot more to do with what is going on in Georgia than with Russia.

That being said, I have yet to see anyone, anywhere give more specifics than, there was a mutiny, and the Georgians accused the Russians.

Perhaps there is something to be found on Georgian or Russian language sites, but I can't read either tongue.

My guess would be that there are elements in the Georgian military not happy with the NATO exercises, but that is only a very uninformed guess.


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