06 May 2009

Former Bush Officials Work to Soften Ethics Report on Interrogations - washingtonpost.com

It looks like the Justice Department's ethics report on the torture memo authors will not recommend a criminal investigation, but it will recommend disciplinary action by the local bar associations, and this has Bybee, Yoo, and Bradbury are doing the level best to use whatever connections they have to make the report milder.

I do hope that this will bet both of them disbarred, but I think that a criminal investigation is really in order, but these folks are merely the sociopaths (Yoo) and careerists (Bybee and Bradbury) who could be reliably counted on to ignore the law in drafting the memos.

We need to work this up the chain, which will doubtless expose obstruction of justice by higher-ups.

For the good of the country, Cheney and Rumsfeld need to spend the rest of their natural lives in jail, so that people inside the DC Beltway stop thinking that rules do not apply to them.


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