12 May 2009

Friends Don't Let Friends Pledge to NPR

There is a documentary out called Outrage about closeted gay politicians, and NPR did a review, and upper management rewrote it to specifically exclude the names to two politicians, Florida Governor Charlie Crist and Senator Larry Craig, from the review, which so outraged the author that he removed his byline from it. (His story had been written with close consultation of his editor)

As Pam Spalding notes, "NPR has no business tossing out the "privacy" card when it couldn't resist deeming John Edwards's heterosexual tomcatting newsworthy, underscoring that there were legitimate political reasons for the reporting."

If I weren't not giving because of their vociferous opposition to low power local broadcasts, I would not give to them because they have been completely captured by the sensibilities of the "inside the Beltway" crowd.


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