11 November 2008

Economics Update

Well, it's a bank holiday, so it's a little bit slow, but the fact that American Express is filing to become a bank holding company, so that it can take part in the Federal Reserve's sh&%pile for cash program.

My guess would be that they are seeing their default rate going up, and that they can't find anyone to buy the debt.

In retail, General Growth Properties, the 2nd largest mall operator in the US, said that it may file for bankruptcy protection, and National Wholesale Liquidators filed for bankruptcy.

In other impending bankruptcies, option ARM lender Downey Savings and Loan just said in it's 10Q that it cannot see a way to avoid being taken over by the Office of Thrift Supervision.

Most of the interest rate indicators were unavailable today because of the holiday, but the LIBOR (the L stands for London) was down a bit again today.

Also from that little island off the coast of France, retail and home sales are heading south quickly there too.

The joys of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, I guess.

In any case, there is no joy in Mudville, if by Mudville you mean the real estate market, so Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have instituted a new program to modify mortgages to minimize foreclosures.

I still think that bankruptcy changes are the best solution here.

In any case, the impending recession drove oil to a 19 month low, and drove the dollar up, as people tend to flee to the dollar in bad times.

Falling oil is also absolutely killing the Ruble, which appears to be on the brink a devaluation.


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