01 November 2008

I Got My First Check from Google Adsense

OK, it's not really a check, I went with electronic funds transfer.

It's ad revenue, and let me note that I do not endorse, and sometimes I mock, the ads that show up, so click if you through, you do so at your own risk.

I would also note that I am not attempting to induce you to click the ads that you would otherwise not be inclined to click. Advertisers do not appreciate fraud.

If there is any virtue that I bring to this endeavor, it is that I don't harbor much in the way delusions of adequacy.

I hit $107.24 at the end of September, I just saw the EFT on the 27th..

Hmmmm...That's $107.24 for 5857 posts over 17 months, or about 1.83 ¢/post... ...Damn......A newspaper publisher would love me, but it makes me feel depressed.

I know, if I divide by the number of worthwhile posts.....That's about $33.41 a post, which is reassuring, in a self deluding way.

You get a payment each time your balance breaks $100.

This payment I am spending on my anniversary dinner with my wife, which is delayed for lack of babysitting, once again proving that marriage is the single most expensive way ever devised to get laid.

I promise to have a beer at dinner, since I kind of sort of promised:
As to where the proceeds go, and at the rate I'm going I'll get my first check around 2011, they will go to things like beer (or Slivovitz) for me, or taking my wife out to dinner.
And as much as I like Slivovitz, it really does not go with a good quality meal.


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