21 June 2008

The Thielert Diesel Aircraft Engine Soap Opera Continues

Relations between Thielert, and Diamond, its largest customer, who has had to halt production for lack of engines continues to be poor.

Diamond continues the rapid development of its aircraft diesel engine, the Austro, and even though Thielert has resumed production, Diamond is not taking any shipments, even though Thielert has moved to the next step of insolvency.

Diamond has a statement out on the situation. It's basic points are:
  • Thielert has not involved Diamond in investment discussions (Thielert claims that Diamond has declined to be involved)
  • Recent issues with the clutch/reduction gear of serious concern.
  • Diamond has serious concerns with prompt delivery of spares, even when money is paid up front.
  • Even when spares are available, the prices are high, due to the captive nature of the market.
  • Diamond is working to develop it's own support infrastructure for Thielert engine for existing infrastructure.
  • Diamond is looking at integrating a Lycoming AvGas engine into its DA-42.
This is an unbelievable mess.


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