20 February 2008

Bush Less Popular than Cancer

American Research Group's latest poll has only 19% of respondents approving of his job performance.

That's worse than cancer. Hell, that's worse than Dick Cheney.

Impeach him now, it's a political plus.

Bush job approval Approve Disapprove Undecided

Feb 2008 19% 77% 4%
Jan 2008 34% 59% 7%
Dec 2007 32% 66% 2%
Nov 2007 31% 64% 5%
Oct 2007 25% 67% 8%
Sep 2007 34% 60% 6%
Aug 2007 28% 65% 7%
Jul 2007 25% 71% 4%
Jun 2007 27% 67% 6%
May 2007 31% 64% 5%
Apr 2007 33% 62% 5%
Mar 2007 32% 63% 5%
Feb 2007 39% 56% 5%


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