07 December 2007

Mitch McConnel Hates Our Troops

In an interview with the Grayson County News-Gazette, he said the following:
“I won't tell you everything is great in Iraq; it is not. But we want to keep a steady flow of funds so that we don't disrupt the military,” said McConnell. “Unfortunately, most of our friends on the other isle are having a hard time admitting things are getting better; some days I almost think the critics of this war don't want us to win. Nobody is happy about losing lives but remember these are not draftees, these are full-time professional soldiers.

Gee...So I guess he thinks that "full-time professional soldiers" don't have parents, or wives, or Fiancées, or children, or girl friends.

Or maybe he's trying to say that it was OK for him, as a draftee in the late 1960s, do give another soldier a hand job in the shower to get out, because he was a draftee, nto a "full-time professional soldier".

Oh, well.


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