19 September 2024

Best Healthcare System in the World?


At least according to a study by the Commonwealth Fund, which showed that the US has the worst healthcare outcomes of any of the world's wealthiest nations:

The United States health system ranked dead last in an international comparison of 10 peer nations, according to a new report by the Commonwealth Fund.

In spite of Americans paying nearly double that of other countries, the system performed poorly on health equity, access to care and outcomes.

“I see the human toll of these shortcomings on a daily basis,” said Dr Joseph Betancourt, the president of the Commonwealth Fund, a foundation with a focus on healthcare research and policy.

Gee, you mean turning healthcare over to contemptible greed-heads and overpaid managers is a bad thing?



The Commonwealth Fund’s report is the 20th in their “Mirror, Mirror” series, an international comparison of the US health system to nine wealthy democracies including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, the UK, Sweden and Switzerland. The foundation calls this year’s report a “portrait of a failing US health system”.

But if the government spends more on healthcare, we won't be able to buy the hyper-expensive and under performing F-35s or the cruise missile magnets known as aircraft carriers.

Wut, you some of commie pinko?

You know, I generally hold the position that we as a society cannot arrest our way out of serious problems, but I think that frog marching healthcare executives out of their offices in handcuffs might help.

So would the establishment of a UK style National Health Service.


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