06 August 2024

Da, Da, Da, Da, Da, Dit, Dit, Di, Di

That is me writing out Johann Strauss' Blue Danube Waltz, because Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz her running mate.

Yes, I know that his name is pronounced "Walls", not "Waltz", but who am I to pass up a cheesy pun.

Of all of the 6 or so usual suspects, Walz is probably the best choice, given his success as governor of Minnesota and his generally good policies on things like abortion rights, anthropogenic climate change, and labor rights.

Also, he's the guy who got the whole, "Drump and Vance are weird," thing going.

It's probably the best I could have expected:

Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, wagering that a former red-district congressman with rural roots and a progressive streak can help her win over the working-class voters in battleground states needed to beat Donald Trump in November.

In picking Walz, 60, Harris is elevating a second-term governor from a state that hasn’t voted for a Republican for president in more than 50 years, someone who is relatively unknown nationally vaulting over swing state contenders such as Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona.

They Shapiro and Kelly were both a lot worse on policy.  

Shapiro is horrible on charter schools and vouchers, has some issues with not addressing issues of sexual harassment from some of his staff, and he has been excoriated for his position on Israel.

Kelly, a figurative blue dog married to a former actual Blue Dog, has been horrible on labor issues, and notwithstanding his time as an astronaut.

I do think that if there is a VP debate, which is not particularly likely, given Trump's and Vance's obvious fear at any debates for either of them, he would wipe the floor with Vance.

As to what this means electorally?  Probably not much.

There is only one VP candidate who might have effected the general election in my lifetime, Bob Dole in 1976, so it is unlikely that either Vance of Walz will make much of a difference electorally/


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