12 June 2024

I Just Nearly Got Gaslighted

I just read a story about a, "Major Free Speech," victory for a medical group in front of the 5th Circuit appeals court.

First, it's somewhat suspicious that the 5th Circuit, which covers Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, would come out in favor of civil rights unless there was a right wing spin on it.

The second bit was a statement from the general counsel for the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, Andrew Schlafly.

It was not the statement, which was a generic, "Free speech won," statement, it was the last name.

Yes, this is Phyllis Schlafly's kids, so I did a quick Google, and up popped their Wikipedia Page, whose first line says that they are, "Politically conservative non-profit association that promotes conspiracy theories and medical misinformation."

They count Rand Paul as a member.

I nearly made myself look like more of a complete idiot than I normally do.

Basically, the AAPS sued medical specialty boards that were refusing to certify doctors who were attempting to peddle snake oil. (No link to the AAPS, they are contemptible)

So, unless it gets heard en banc, or it goes to the Supreme Court, the bad guys won.

But at least I preserved my credibility, such as it is. (Yeah, I know, low bar)


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