16 June 2024

Have Fun Timmy

I guess that Apples whole malicious compliance strategy to comply with EU law are not going well.

At least this is implied by the decision by EU authorities to charge the iPhone maker with violating EU competition law.

It's been that clear that Apple has been violating the Bull Durham rule, calling the umpire a c%$# sucker, since the new EU competition regime was enacted, and this response from the authorities is completely justified:

Brussels is set to charge Apple over allegedly stifling competition on its mobile app store, the first time EU regulators have used new digital rules to target a Big Tech group.

The European Commission has determined that the iPhone maker is not complying with obligations to allow app developers to “steer” users to offers outside its App Store without imposing fees on them, according to three people with close knowledge of its investigation.

The charges would be the first brought against a tech company under the Digital Markets Act, landmark legislation designed to force powerful “online gatekeepers” to open up their businesses to competition in the EU.


These people said regulators have only made preliminary findings, and Apple could still take actions to correct its practices, which could then lead regulators to reassess any final decision. They added the timing of any announcement could also shift.


If found to be breaking the DMA, Apple faces daily penalties for non-compliance of up to 5 percent of its average daily worldwide turnover, which is currently just over $1 billion.

I've always felt that the Apple's walled garden approach, while remunerative for the company, has never served its users. 

I think that this potential action by European authorities is a very good thing.™


Anonymous said...

Well, it is the reason the Android and Windows ecosystems are cesspools of malware and Apple’s isn’t.

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