14 June 2024

And She Gets Even Worse

I am referring, of course to New York Governor Karen Kathy Hochul, who is reportedly banning the wearing of masks on the New York subway.

Seriously, has she ever been on a subway during rush hour?

The Subway is Covid, and soon to be Bird Flu, central:

Gov. Kathy Hochul says she is exploring at least a partial ban on masks in the New York City subway system after images and videos of masked anti-Israel protesters on a train ricocheted around social media earlier this week.

In a news conference at the state Capitol on Thursday, Hochul said she has started discussions with Mayor Eric Adams and state lawmakers about what a mask crackdown would look like and how to craft exemptions for health and religious reasons. The mayor’s office confirmed it was looking into the issue.

But Hochul made clear she wants to see mask restrictions in some form, which she believes would help deter crime on public transit.

OK, show us the numbers?  What percentage of Subway crimes have been committed by people wearing N-95 masks?


This is not fighting crime, this is crime fighting theater, and it will kill people.

At this point, my guess is that there are some New Yorkers out there feeling nostalgic for Andrew "Rat Faced Andy" Cuomo.


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