- Long COVID Seems to Be a Brain Injury, Scientists Discover (ScienceAlert) Nothing to see here, move along.
- Subprime Intelligence (Where's Your Ed At?) AI is what Cory Doctorow calls, "The Bezzle," the time between when the con starts, and when it is exposed. Money quote, "Sora's outputs can mimic real-life objects in a genuinely chilling way, but its outputs — like DALL-E, like ChatGPT — are marred by the fact that these models do not actually know anything. They do not know how many arms a monkey has, as these models do not "know" anything."
- What is an ODA and why is it critical to understand it (Leeham News and Analysis) The Organization Designation Authorization process is how the FAA delegates some of its functions to the manufacturer. In the case of Boeing, the process has been suspended, and an already understaffed FAA is stripping other non-Boeing areas to take up the slack themselves. (Part 2 here)
- Study links fermented foods with brain growth (Harvard Gazette) It is clear that as hominid brain size increased, the digestive apparatus shrank (including teeth and jaws), but this started about a million years before fire and cooking. Our ancestors may have learned fermentation to prepare foods.
- Windows-as-a-nuisance: How I clean up a “clean install” of Windows 11 and Edge (Ars Technica) One of the reasons that Windows 11 is not popular is because it is infested with crapware.
- Is The New York Times’ newsroom just a bunch of Ivy Leaguers? (Kinda, sorta.) (Nieman Journalism Lab) Also a lot of nepobabies. This does not reflect well on the Gray Lady nor the Ivy League schools.
- NYC spent $114M on police misconduct lawsuits last year (Gothamist) Why bad cops need to be hounded out of the field, part gazillion.
- Kara Swisher’s Reality Distortion Field (Disconnect)
Makes an obvious point, that while Swisher is burning the Silly Con
Valley CEOs now, she was the most credulous and adulatory of journalists
in tech before the tech backlash started. (I still appreciate her comment about shooting a CEO and taking his motorcycle though)
If Putin’s Translator Was An Aussie. Funny, but lots of swearing:
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