04 March 2024

A Deal with a Vampire

The Ukraine has cut a deal with literal vampire* Peter Thiel to use artificial intelligence to clear mines.

When someone says that they have an application for AI in a safety critical application, I am dubious.

When Thiel is involved, all doubt is removed.  This will be bad:

Ukraine has turned to a company founded by Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel to clear thousands of square miles of mines and explosives.

The deal will see Palantir supply Ukraine with its artificial intelligence (AI) tools to organise and accelerate its demining efforts.

Ukraine is hoping to decontaminate 80pc of its potentially mined land within 10 years and bring it back into economic use, freeing up millions of acres of farmland. Roughly a third of the country’s landmass is thought to be hazardous owing to mines or unexploded ordnance.

I'm having a flash of prophecy.  I'm seeing, a booming market for artificial limbs in the Ukraine.

*I really mean that literally. Thiel is trying to extend his life span, and one of the schemes that he invested in is a startup proposing the use of the blood of young people.


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