07 February 2024

I Know That It Is Not My Place to Say ………

But someone needs to tell Republicans that the first and most important skill of any Speaker of the House is the ability to count to at least 218.

The fact that their asinine attempt to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas went down in flames when 4 Republicans voted no is an indication that counting is not one of Speaker Johnson's skills.

My guess is that there were another 4 to 10 Republican representatives waiting to see how it turned out, and who would have voted no it their vote had mattered, but I've always been a very optimistic person with a sunny disposition.  (And I also have a full head of hair, rock hard abs, a 16 inch long penis, and the ability to sung like Enrico Caruso)

The United States House of Representatives on Tuesday defeated impeachment charges against Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, after a small group of Republicans broke with their party and refused to support what amounted to a partisan indictment of President Biden’s immigration policies.

The failure of the effort was a stunning setback for Speaker Mike Johnson, who had vowed to indict Mr. Mayorkas and expressed confidence that he had the backing to charge him with high crimes and misdemeanors for failing to lock down the United States border with Mexico amid a migrant surge. House Republicans have been promising to do so for more than a year.

In an extraordinary and chaotic scene on the House floor, Republican leaders at first seemed to have clinched a victory, despite three G.O.P. defections by Representatives Ken Buck of Colorado, Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin and Tom McClintock of California — only to have it slip through their grasp when Representative Al Green, a Texas Democrat recovering from abdominal surgery, showed up in his hospital garb to vote.

Republican leaders held the vote open for several minutes, scrambling to corral the necessary support for the charges as Democrats jeered and yelled “Order! Order!” and the tally hovered at a tie. In the end, they could not overcome the opposition, and the measure failed by a vote of 216 to 214.

Needless to say, I would not be the one to tell the 'Phants how to select their speaker.  To quote Napoleon Bonaparte, "N'interrompez jamais un ennemi qui est en train de faire une erreur," which translates to, "Never stop your enemy from stepping on his own dick."  (We now know why I got "C"s in high school French)


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