15 October 2023

When You Have Lost This Lunatic

Former Wisconsin State Supreme Justice David Prosser, who is best known for attempting to choke out fellow Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, and calling Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson a "Total Bitch," has written to state assembly speaker Robin Vos saying that there is currently no justification for impeaching newly elected Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz.

Vos has been threatening impeachment because  ……… reasons ……… mostly involving Wisconsin's Gerrymandered districts, and this letters puts a major kink in his attempts to get his fascism on:

After warning impeachment could be possible for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz if she did not recuse from a lawsuit before the court challenging the Legislature's boundaries, Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is not saying whether he will pursue the unprecedented move now that the liberal justice has announced she will stay on the case.

Vos is pulling back from the idea of impeachment three days after a former conservative state Supreme Court Justice advised Vos not to pursue the idea.

In his first comments since Protasiewicz said she would not step away from a lawsuit seeking to redraw the state's electoral maps that give Republicans an advantage in the state Legislature, Vos said the U.S. Supreme Court will "have the last word" on whether Protasiewicz should have recused.


Vos sought legal opinions from former Supreme Court justices on whether to pursue impeachment. One of them, David Prosser, emailed a letter to Vos on Friday that concluded Protasiewicz had not met the standard for impeachment.

Under state law, impeachment is reserved for corruption in office or for crimes and misdemeanors.

“In my view, ‘corrupt conduct’ is not a term that is open to a mere political grievance,” Prosser wrote in the email to Vos. “If that were the case, legislative bodies could be trading questionable impeachments with considerable frequency.”

"To sum up my views, there should be no effort to impeach Justice Protasiewicz on anything we know now,” he wrote. “Impeachment is so serious, severe, and rare that it should not be considered unless the subject has committed a crime, or the subject has committed indisputable ‘corrupt conduct’ while ‘in office.’”

Prosser released his letter to Vos along with text and voicemail messages to liberal watchdog group American Oversight under the public records law and as part of a lawsuit the group filed against the group of justices Vos empaneled to research the idea of impeachment.

And Prosser released his discussions too.  This is kind of a double plus, "No f%$#ing way," to Vos.

Vos will probably pursue impeachment anyway, because it would have the effect of suspending her until the state senate votes, and they would just never vote on it.


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