01 May 2023

Healthcare by Psychopaths

So called healthcare professionals at Stanford, who are conducting a Long Covid study, stopped wearing masks ¾ of the way through their study, because re-exposing with people who are suffering from debilitating effects of long Covid is no big deal.

F%$#ing callous incompetents:

FYI: Stanford research staff have stopped masking in the middle of the long-Covid PAXLOVID study
by u/stopmotionskeleton in covidlonghaulers

Something is very wrong with this country.


Nehuus said...

The healthcare is run by psychopaths but in the reverse way of how you falsely interpreted it.

They stopped wearing masks because they knew that the Covid "Pandemic" is a big con planned in part by the psychopaths (including authoritative Stanford folks) who run the healthcare system:
www.CovidTruthBeKnown.com (or https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html)

The cited essay also gives an answer to your befuddled statement of "something is very wrong with this country" but you will likely resist.

The ruling gang of criminals pulled of the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. If you're in the US go to https://sovereigntycoalition.org and sign the American Sovereignty Declaration to #ExitTheWHO and follow their prompts to contact your representatives and tell them to work for their constituents instead of the mega psychopaths in power.

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