07 March 2023


Gigi Sohn has withdrawn her name from consideration to head the FCC.

Thank you, spineless Dems.  The commission remains deadlocked, 2-2 after 2 years, because the Democrats have let the lobbyist run the place.

President Biden’s pick to serve as a telecommunications regulator is withdrawing her nomination to the Federal Communications Commission after a bitter 16-month lobbying battle that blocked her appointment and opened her up to relentless personal attacks.

Gigi Sohn, a longtime public interest advocate and former Democratic FCC official who was first nominated by the White House in October 2021, said her decision to withdraw follows “unrelenting, dishonest and cruel attacks” seeded by cable and media industry lobbyists. The opposition to Sohn catapulted the relatively low-profile position into the center of an unprecedented fight that included three Senate confirmation hearings, a series of ads, op-eds and a billboard criticizing Sohn as “extreme” and “partisan” amid dissection of her social media posts.

Sohn’s decision to bow out leaves the Biden administration’s ambitious internet agenda in limbo, continuing more than two years of deadlocking at the FCC. Biden came into office on promises to reverse a wave of deregulation during the Trump administration and commitments to restore Obama-era net neutrality protections. But the continued 2-2 split could imperil some of the administration’s key goals, as a historic amount of federal funding earmarked in the 2021 infrastructure law and pandemic relief packages is funneled into broadband access and affordability.

They should have started twisting arms over this 2 years ago.


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