03 February 2023

What the F%$#ing F%$#?

So, we are having wall to wall coverage of a f%$#ing gasbag, but it's not Donald Trump, or Ron Desnatis, or Mitch McConnell, or Sean Hannity, or Tucker Carlson, it's that damn Chinese balloon.

At lunch today, they had CNN on, and they were covering that damn balloon like it was Payne Stewart's private jet

Even if this is a Chinese spy balloon, the record of such endeavors, the US tried something like this with Project Mogul, which generated little more than UFO reports around Roswell New Mexico:

The discovery of a Chinese satellite floating over Montana has created lots more heat than light. Hourly news reports make it sound like a replay of Pearl Harbor.

Fact is, the satellite itself presents zero danger, weapons-wise, and if it were on a serious spying mission, it could be easily neutralized.

“Really, it’s not a big deal,” former Air Force general and CIA director Michael Hayden tells SpyTalk.

“We can neutralize so I don’t think it’s a danger either.”

The Pentagon has said as much, too, but its calming message has been pretty much overlooked in the hysterical coverage afforded news the satellite’s discovery a few days ago.


Bottom line: Everybody needs to calm down.

I thought about putting the balloon on my list of They Who Must Not Be Named, but that would really silly, and I'm not feeling silly today.


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