05 August 2022

Should I Start Including Emojis?

I have a question for my reader(s): there are certain catch phrases that I frequently relegate to footnotes, and I am wondering if I should perhaps go with emojis to spice everything up a bit.

Generally, I mark it with an asterisk, and then put it in the footnotes, but I am wondering if perhaps I might be better served putting in an emoji sign.

Of course, the first image is not on of these phrases that I use routinely.  For the meme unaware, you have been Rickrolled.

If you don't know what that means, you have led a blissfully sheltered life.

More often these are explaining that I am an engineer, not a doctor (or lawyer, or pastry chef, or dance instructor, or whatever) dammit!

Or what I post when I refer to Sharon, because a proper level of respect is crucial to a marriage, and I really do not deserve her. (And yes, for some bizarre reason she likes Comic Sans, so I use Comic Sans for this one).

Or how I refer to the Democratic Party Establishment.

Or when I try to explain how something is not satire. 

So, would this be an improvement? 

Yes, no, of in between?


Quasit said...

I've been comfortable with it as it is, but I've been seeing it since back when you were snailmailing it to me. I'm kind of old-fashioned, I guess. But I won't get mad if you switch to emojis.

Elf.Editor said...

No emojis! Would need an asterisk to explain them!

Anonymous said...

Footnotes were good enough to Terry Prachett, they're good enough to you.

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