11 March 2022

Quote of the Day

But when baseball people tell me about how the game is timeless, there is one level on which I wholeheartedly agree. One thing about baseball that never changes is the fact that, when they get together, the owners of the ballclubs can be counted on to be the most mendacious, clumsy, and transparently greedy collection of gombeens into which god ever blew breath. The past couple months have been proof enough of this eternal truth.
—Charlie Pierce on Esquire
This is perhaps the best description of sports team owners that I have ever seen.


Stephen Montsaroff said...

Someone once called them the best minds of the 12th Century.

Which it sort of hard on Abelard -- though castrate them instead of him seems a good idea.

Matthew Saroff said...

I favor spaying and neutering sports team owners.

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