04 September 2021

Wisconsin Assholes Cave

After deciding to opt out of a free school lunch program, because they wanted to be cruel for their own amusement, the Waukesha school board has reversed this decision following nation-wide outrage

It turns out that, "The cruelty is the point," politics does not play well with the bulk of the American people, even though it still does with the Talibaptist wing of the American body politic:

Waukesha school board members reversed their controversial decision to leave a federal free meals program with a split vote Monday, following national uproar andlocal protests. 

In an incendiary meeting with two lively overflow rooms, debate ranged from the finer points of feeding students to ideological arguments linking free meals to mask mandates and critical race theory.

Board members voted 5-4 to rescind their previous decision, and opt to participate this school year in the federally funded program that has already been providing free breakfast and lunch to all students in response to the pandemic. 

The district had been the only eligible district in the state to opt out of the program, according to the state Department of Public Instruction. 

Superintendent James Sebert asked board members to reconsider their previous decision, noting the program would help families "experiencing situational poverty due to the pandemic" who might not qualify for free meals under the district's traditional program.

Protests can make a difference.

One hopes that Waukesha voters remember what happened in the next election.


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