05 September 2021

This is Repulsive

Remington Arms has tried a lot of tactics to delay its trial for its role in the Sandy Hook massacre, but subpoenaing report cards of 5 kids killed in a transparent attempt to further delay the trial.

Seriously, I get that Remington's lawyers have an obligation to aggressively promote the interest of their clients, but this is supposed to be tempered with some ethics:

Gun company Remington has subpoenaed the report cards, attendance records, and disciplinary records of five kindergarten and first grade students murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, according to new court filings in a civil lawsuit filed against the company.


"We have no explanation for why Remington subpoenaed the Newtown Public School District to obtain the kindergarten and first grade academic, attendance and disciplinary records of these five school children,” Josh Koskoff, one of the lawyers representing the Sandy Hook parents, told Motherboard. “The records cannot possibly excuse Remington’s egregious marketing conduct, or be of any assistance in estimating the catastrophic damages in this case. The only relevant part of their attendance records is that they were at their desks on December 14, 2012.”

He's right.  It's inexcusable.

What are they planning to do?  Argue that a kindergartner is responsible for their own shooting because they threw green beans?


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