12 September 2021

The School of the Americas Correspondence Courses

The US military continues to train foreign soldiers to execute coups, though now they are doing so in situ, rather than at the notorious School of the Americas, they are doing so in the host country.

A case in point, the soldiers who executed the coup in Guinea were extensively trained by American troops:

American Green Berets were training local forces in the West African nation of Guinea last weekend when their charges peeled away for a mission not listed in any military training manual: They mounted a coup.

Gunfire rang out as an elite Guinean Special Forces unit stormed the presidential palace in the capital, Conakry, early Sunday, deposing the country’s 83-year-old president, Alpha Condé. Hours later a charismatic young officer, Col. Mamady Doumbouya, announced himself as Guinea’s new leader.

The Americans knew him well.

A team of about a dozen Green Berets had been in Guinea since mid-July to train about 100 soldiers in a special forces unit led by Colonel Doumbouya, who served for years in the French Foreign Legion, took part in American military exercises and was once a close ally of the president he overthrew.


For the Pentagon, though, it is an embarrassment. The United States has trained troops in many African nations, largely for counterterrorism programs but also with the broad aim of supporting civilian-led governments.

And although numerous U.S.-trained officers have seized power in their countries — most notably, Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt — this is believed to be the first time one has done so in the middle of an American military course.

There have been dozens, if not hundreds, of coups initiated from the recipients of US training.

Either the US military is incredibly incompetent, or it's more of a feature than a bug.


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