05 September 2021

Sir, This Is a Wendy’s

Some Republicans sent a letter to Yahoo! CEO! Marissa! Mayer! demanding that she not comply with the Congressional subpoenas relating to the January 6 putsch:

This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth. Perhaps we should shoot him.*
Of course, Marissa Mayer has not been CEO of Yahoo! for years, and Yahoo! was taken over by Verizon in 2017 and later sold off to a hedge fund.

These are the stupidest motherf%$#ers on the face of the earth.

It's an interesting tell though:  If they were attempting to lean on Yahoo!, clearly they think that the insurrection was organized using the the communications applications of that moribund internet company.

Investigators at the Congressional select committee should take note.  This is likely a good place to start looking.

*What, you've never seen Ruthless People? Great movie.


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