13 September 2021

Reaping What You Sow

The cloud based software firm Salesforce is offering to pay its employees moving expenses if they want to leave Texas.

It appears that the company does not find Dominionist Talabaptist wack jobs good for business or its employees:

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff confirmed late on Friday that his company will pay for employees and their families to relocate out of Texas if they are concerned about their ability to seek reproductive health care. The move comes after the state’s anti-abortion law went into effect earlier this month and the US Supreme Court refused to block the law.

“Ohana if you want to move we’ll help you exit TX. Your choice,” Benioff said in a tweet, using the Hawaiian word for “family.” (Benioff and Salesforce have a long obsession with all things Hawaiian.)

Texas’ new law, known as Senate Bill 8, bans abortions as early as six weeks. That’s well before many women know they’re pregnant. Most women won’t be able to get an accurate result from an at-home pregnancy test until three to four weeks after the day of their last period, and those who don’t take a test won’t suspect anything until they miss a period four weeks in. Six weeks is so early that doctors call the stage of development an embryo, not a fetus. Six weeks is far too early for anyone to know whether the pregnancy won’t spontaneously abort itself. So effectively, the law gives women at most two weeks to decide whether to seek an abortion. It does not make exceptions for rape or incest but does for medical emergencies.

This makes sense.  It's better to keep the employees and help them move.

To paraphrase a 1960s poster, Texas is not healthy for people and other living things.


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