03 August 2021

Good Lord

Sarah Palin has made statements indicating that she is considering a run for US Senator for Alaska.

No offense intended, but when the f%$# is this loser's sell by date?

Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, said she is praying on whether to challenge Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) next year.

Speaking last month at a leadership conference co-sponsored by Harvest International Ministry and the Latino Coalition for Israel, Palin expressed some reservations about a potential Senate run, saying that “it would be a sacrifice.”

“I do need prayer about whether I should or not,” she said, later adding: “If God wants me to do it, I will.”

Palin’s remarks at the conference were posted on Instagram on July 22 by Harvest International Ministry.

It’s not the first time a potential Senate run by Palin has been brought up. The former Alaska governor teased the prospect of a primary challenge to Murkowski in 2018 after the Alaska senator became the only Republican to vote against moving the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh forward.

There is also a long history of personal animus between Palin and Lisa Murkowski's dad, former Senator and Governor Frank Murkowski.

Seriously though, I just want it to stop. 

Also, Sarah, stop telling God what he wants.


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